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Friday, August 9, 2013

Encryption Basics

Encryption is a data protection scheme is plaintext into an unreadable form, called ciphertext, that can not be understood by unauthorized users to convert. If the user converts the message to determine the original plaintext form to make it clear that this mechanism is called decryption. With the advent of the Internet and the widespread use of online
 marketing, net banking, health care and other services, which are divided into mission-critical information, everyone is much more aware of the application of encryption method.
In case of connection to a secure server, the text is automatically encrypted in the Web browser. However, many people prefer to use the encryption of e-mail correspondence. The programs to help with plug-ins for email clients to achieve this. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is the best among them. PGP will not only help in the e-mail encryption, but the personal files and folders can also be encrypted using this method. Likewise, it is also possible to apply the encryption of an entire drive or quantity. A special decryption key used to mount the actuator for access thereto. After the drive-read it can be dismantled and thus regain access to the encrypted state, so that spyware, intruders, snoops or Trojan horses can not respond. Generally, financial programs, or other sensitive data stored in an enterprise encrypted drives.
Since it is easier to tap wireless circuits, encryption or decryption is especially preferred for wireless communication. Nevertheless, for any kind of sensitive transaction data encryption / decryption should be used, such as online purchases via credit card or exchange of secrets between different organizational departments.
There are basically two types of encryption methods - symmetric and asymmetric. In a symmetric key algorithm a predetermined single key between the client and the server to encrypt and decrypt the shared texts. Blowfish, DES and AES are examples of symmetric key algorithm. On the other hand, asymmetric key algorithm uses a pair of keys a public key and a private key. Public keys are used to encrypt the text, but the ciphertext can only be decrypted by the receiver, which is the private key of the key pair. Diffie-Hellman and RSA are examples of asymmetric key algorithm. Asymmetric encryption is greater than the symmetric encryption, because of privacy decryption key. But it might not be very safe for the recipient of the data or the server is correctly identified. In this regard, digital signatures are used to authenticate the online receiver generally.
As more people get exposed to the fact of the open nature of the Internet, instant messaging and email, the need for encryption will undoubtedly be realized. Without encryption, the information is passed over the Internet is not only available to everyone, but is also open to be abused.

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